press release

Demo post - A quick guide

Hello, I'm a demo post. I'm here to guide you. Feel free to delete me once you've read me.


All articles are called 'posts' regardless of their content types. That's where tags come in!


There are 2 types of 'tags':

  1. Code (Location)
  2. Dynamic Tags (Topical)

Code tags are specified on the pages in the Page Manager. Simply turn on the Post System and you now have a full instance of the post system.

In order to publish a post, you'll need to select its Location in the dropdown found near the bottom of the create/edit screen.

Dynamic Tags can be created in the Tags collection on the left menu of the Admin UI.

A good example of a Dynamic Tag is the author. Once a 'Person' object has been associated with the author tag, they will appear in the Author dropdown on the Post create/edit screen.

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Some content |* Mark test *| to see if it works

|* Mark test again *|